Much belated wish..."Eid Mubarak and maaf zahir batin!"
This is my fourth Eid, time flies!
My very first Eid was spent throwing up from morning sickness in the first trimester of carrying my little girl. We celebrated in moderation by just inviting a few close friends over to the in-law's for lunch.
The following year, eid was when my little girl was 5 months old. My in-laws hosted an open house, although we had great fun meeting so many relatives and friends, it was really exhausting for a new mother!
Last year, we took a break by going away to a resort by the beach. The only downside was that the resort was fully packed with holiday makers! The usual 4 hour drive was replaced with 7 crawl along the north south highway and the little girl went berserk being in the car for too long.
This year, we visited family in Yorkshire and celebrated our first proper eid. Oh, syukur alhamdulillah it was a really good eid!! Family gathered with friends and neighbours, we ate what seemed to be an endless supply of rendang ketupat with sate ayam in the middle of rainy summer - bliss! Who would have thought that eid in Yorkshire would be more grand than eid in Malaysia?
I guess the secret is none other than the presence of all family members!