Salam my lovelies,
The major milestone is that Bean is now in The Big School with Girl!
During the long summer break, we went on holidays (it was so good to saturate ourselves with Vitamin Sea and nature) and came home with ample time to prepare for school to commence. We waited for the class promotion and book list. As soon as they were published, we bought the books, labelled and had them all wrapped just before the Big School reopened. This year, the IT Department messed up Girl's Student ID and caused some delay to rectify.
Summer break had been productive. I even managed to get a slot for the second part of my reconstructive surgery in late August and recovered well enough to be able to stand upright for Orientation Day and Commencement without getting too tired. I did get edema from all that but after putting my feet up for a couple of days, it resolved itself. I believe my secret is magnesium in my organic hot chocolate drink and massage with Frankincense essential oil. It was a shame to have edema and postpone the school mums' luncheon though. We were all so psyched for it but alas. A better slot next week, hurrah!!
The kids have settled into their respective classes, both parent support group chats are buzzing hot again and syukur alhamdulillah for this smooth transition. I could not have asked for a better summer and this wonderful start for Bean, especially.
May the very best of school years come to both Girl and Bean. Aamiin.