I know...
It has been a long while since my last update. So many plot twists to this story called Life. InshaAllah I hope to post more regularly than before.
One of the most major chapters in 2022/23 were when I returned to "full time-work from office" at PETRONAS hence the long silence. Corporate life, what more can I say?
My children are both just happy I am now once again a "work from home parent". This was a deliberated decision over many cups of British builders' tea to fully manage the family. I admit being the sandwich generation as carer of my beloved parents-in-law and school-going children is tough work. Present tense wherever you read them are intended as this is work-in-progress.
Bismillah for my return to this space and role. Yes, I am still in the legal and corporate secretarial profession. Yes, I am still in the practice pool for private investment holding. Yes, I still work between 8 AM and 2 PM Mondays to Thursdays. Yes, I do get work done but sometimes squeezing in an hour or so in the evening and weekends are simply inevitable. Yes, it is now 25 years experience and counting. May there be many more years, inshaAllah.
Do I miss my tall towers and jet-set work diary? Nope!
Whilst I have certainly enjoyed my time serving the nation, I love my family life too. This, I hope, is striking the balance I seek.