
Sunday, 29 June 2014

Lightbulb Moment

30 Juz in 30 days. One Juz for each day in Ramadhan.

*my lightbulb moment*

Have a blessed month, peeps!
Thursday, 26 June 2014

Ramadhan Mubarak!

The years I have missed fasting and their valid reasons:

1. 2009 - pregnancy with threatened miscarriage;

2. 2010 - fully breastfeeding a sususaurus;

3. 2011 - breastfeeding a sususaurus who despite eating solids, latched on day and night every 2 hours;

3. 2012 - same as 2011;

4. 2013 - confinement, lochia after Bean.

That brings the total of missed fasting days to 4 x 30 days = 120 days.

I have replaced 4 of those days in the last few days. I have paid my zakat fidyah for those 4 years but my heart really wants to fast so here we are. 

116 days to replace, in sha Allah. 

May this Ramadhan be one full of blessings and may our Ibadah be accepted by Allah swt. Amin!

Point to note: Bean is also a sususaurus and seems to want to latch on more during the 4 days that I was fasting. I take this a test of my faith and syukur alhamdulillah managed to keep the fast.

The choice of food and drinks, in my humble opinion, are important when fasting when breastfeeding. Some carbohydrates, protein, vegetables and never forget the Kalahari Medjool dates. Air zam zam is best and failing that Evian is quite good too. I have just discovered the Yusuf Taiyoob dates, so juicy and filling! I tend to consume a substantial Sahur meal to power me throughout the day; followed by light Iftar meal (cold sandwiches, salads, fruits, dates and lots of water). 

Please do share your coping strategies, supplications and Ramadhan purpose, if you have.

Incidentally, this just came in:

All's good save for Durian and Shark Soup in my case. Enjoy! 

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

The Kitchen Toys

Well, I have decided not to purchase a breadmaker after all. 

Here is what convinced me:

More kitchen cabinet real estate and I am only too happy!

Next decision: Kuvings or Kenwood Juicer? Both are wide mouth, and the price difference is by about RM1200! Then there is the 3 tiny feed tunnels of Tefal (so tedious!) - did the designers really think about how much time it takes to peel and cut those fruit slices? Let me just enjoy my fruits sliced up, or chomp on fresh berries whole then. Laziness wins, sometimes. 

Extra Closet Space

Getha, how clever! 

I was wondering where all my clean sheets, towels, linen, extra pillows and blankets etc could be stored and voila!

Would you sleep on storage? If yes, what do you store in yours? Please do share!
Thursday, 19 June 2014

Happy First Birthday, Bean!

May Allah swt bless you abundantly always, baby! We love you so very much.

The rear view of your construction site cake with MAN truck and digger.

You went to lunch with us all, ate your fill and then came home to celebrate your first birthday complete with cake and presents. 

Your sister also sang and helped to blow out your sole candle. She can now play the "Happy Birthday" song on the piano, which she only learnt this morning in time for your special day.

May your grow up healthy, happy and strong! Amin!

Tuesday, 17 June 2014


Yay! Bean is cruising at 11 months. 

He is now the proud owner of two pairs of shoes (Mothercare and Stride Rite), and is loving his newfound mobility, a few days shy of his first birthday.

Syukur alhamdulillah for such a loveable boy.
Sunday, 15 June 2014

Happy Fathers' Day

Especially to my FIL and The Other Half, for the unconditional love and care.

I love you both so much. Thank you. 

Happy, blessed Fathers' Day. May Allah swt grant you both Jannah. Amin!
Saturday, 14 June 2014

Late Night Destress

We baked!

Unfortunately, my Kenwood breadmaker has broken down after 3 years. 

Looks like the dough hook in my Kenwood stand mixer and bread pan will come out to play...

The real reason for my baking of our own bread is simply avoidance of calcium propionate and selection of best possible ingredients available for our growing family. 

Here's to note my goodbye to my Kenwood breadmaker - thank you for all the loaves and delicious aroma. 

May my old fashion stand mixer and bread pan in the oven method serve us all healthy, delightful loaves!
Friday, 6 June 2014

The Hospital Bag

Hospital Bag Packing List for readers who are pregnant and are too busy to type out a list. You may print mine. 

I printed mine, wrote done or ticked as the items were packed then I left the list on top of my little suitcase. Items not yet packed were circled and I could see right away what needed to be purchased/cleaned/put in as I went along the final days of pregnancy.

Toothbrush - done
Toothpaste - done
Hair brush - done
Shampoo -done
(All of which were supplied by PCMC and I could have left these items out and still survive)

Facial cleanser - done
Facial serum - done
Body lotion - done
Nipple cream - done
Clothes for going home second trimester size - done
Nursing bra - done

Maternity pads - done

Underwear - done

Bedroom slippers

Camera - done
Camera charger - done
iPhone charger - done

Snacks for labour (dates)
Snacks for postpartum (dates)
Zam Zam Water/Water

Baby clothes for going home - done
Baby hat - done

Diapers - done 
Diaper cream - done

Mittens - done
Socks - done
Hat - given by PCMC as souvenir

Car seat for the car
Isofix for the car seat in the car
Bugaboo in the car boot

For The Little Girl:
Spare change of clothes - done
Pull up pants - done
Snacks - done

To consider:
Breast pump

In the end, I packed but did not have to use the breast pump and steriliser. Bean and The Little Girl were both natural at breastfeeding, syukur alhamdulillah!

Hope this helps!

Home Sweet Home

My birthplace is Georgetown, Penang. However, I do not keep a "kampung house", so we put up at the hotel that welcomes us "home" whenever we revisit. 

Our home away from home is none other than Shangri-la Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa. This time, we did not even leave the hotel compound at all, other than the time The Other Half went for a meeting, and our little errand of dropping and collecting laundry from Dhoby Ghaut Laundrette nearby.

Here is what I had packed for my little family for our 13-18 April 2014, 6D/5N trip. I could have reduced the number of clothing even more as the launderette service was of overnight express quality.

It was our maiden return flight with Firefly and the convenience of Subang is really tempting me to fly more often to other destinations. However, the "market place" feel is not too relaxing for starting and ending holidays. 

I am getting on with age and used to my comfort zone as you may already suspect by now. If I could take a vacation without leaving home, I would!

Feel free to adjust the following packing list:

1. Bean

Ergobaby Carrier
Day clothes
Swim diapers
Dry skin lotion
Bath oil
Foldable bath tub
Some nappies

2. The Little Girl 

Day clothes
Swim suits
Mini kick boards
Goats milk powder
Mixing bowl
Bottle brush
Washing liquid

3. The Other Half

Day clothes
Swim shorts
Phone chargers
Camera chargers

4. Mine 

Day clothes
Swim wear
Skin care
Tooth paste
Sun hat
Beach bag
Hair dryer

Hair dryer? Yes! We spent so much time at the pool and required drying up so often I am glad I brought my own and not risking burning/damaging my hair using the hotel fixed plug in version. 

I wish you a very happy holiday! Safe journeys and may your adventures enrich your lives.

Foldable Bags

This is still about holidays!

You can find the Longchamp Le Pliage tote nearly everywhere now but I intend to keep mine almost exclusively for travelling simply because it is foldable and so compact, light and almost clever to pack along.

Also eyeing the masculine Longchamp Backpack for The Other Half, so he looks macho while carrying all our shopping *teehee*

There are other brands available too which pleases me endlessly, such as Bric's. Just love the origami, lightweight and waterproof materials! 

Even Uniqlo and M&S now carry seasonal items for tourists, functional and cost effective without losing all sense of fashion. 

So, which are your favourite foldable bags to take along during shopping holidays? Please do share!  

The Dreaded Deed

The local school holidays are coming to an end for us. Many are still going away for summer vacation. 

Here is my tried and tested packing list for local beach holidays. Recycled from our previous Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa packing list.

Being pressed for time, I would usually just multiply the number of clothing for number of days and nights (add an extra set for spare).

This is obviously the pack everything along sort of place as we have no access to washer and dryer, unlike the list I have for our long term stay at serviced apartments when abroad.

So here goes:

Avillion Port Dickson Packing List

27-30 April 2014


1. Bean
Day clothes
Swim diapers
Wet wipes
Dry skin lotion
Yuyee Oil
Bath oil
Bath tub
Some nappies
Closet tidy

2. The Little Girl
Day clothes
Swim suits
Mini kick boards
Goats milk powder
Mixing bowl
Bottle brush
Washing liquid
Sand castle tools
Mosquito Repellent Stickers

3. The Other Half
Day clothes
Swim shorts
Phone chargers
Camera charger

4. Mine
Day clothes
Swim wear
Skin care
Tooth paste
Sun hat
Beach bag

Happy holidays!

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Before Kids

The Little Girl asked me the other day what life was like for me before kids.

What a profound question. I was not expecting it so that had come as a real surprise to me. 

I wish I could simplify it this way for her:

What do I tell her? Where do I start? My troubled childhood being raised by one half of a parent? My schooling years being picked on by the school bullies? My anxiety filled pre-university days for knowing that I could do well but not afford the expensive fees at degree level? University education working part time then resorting to a degree via distance learning so that the financial stress would not give me further gastrointestinal problems? The early career building months existing from hand to mouth in this expensive city? Years of love found and lost? The long search for God and finding Allah? The fated meeting of The Other Half and getting married then starting this family?

I cannot sugar coat my past so I will have to come clean with her someday. Recounts of emotional roller-coaster, despair then finding hope. 

So, darling, be prepared for the cold hard truth someday when you poke into Mummy's past again. Bring your own box of Kleenex, for you will surely cry.

For all the wonderful blessings Allah swt has brought into my life, thank You so much. Please forgive my sins and accept my repentence. Amin!