
Wednesday 14 October 2015

Easy Peasy Recipe: Chocolate Fudge

1 cup condensed milk: 3 cups chocolate chips. 

Microwave for 2 minutes on high.

Mix until well combined.

Chill for 2-3 hours.

Slice to preferred size.

Syukur alhamdulillah, this batch was shared with our neighbour and Kia Peng Mummy. Both women are running their respective households full time, with husband(s) travelling 90% of the time. The haze has kept them indoors with their active offsprings with nowhere to burn all that energy. Certainly took a toll on the health, sanity and happiness of these 2 wonderful ladies.

If a few slices of chocolate fudge can put a smile on their faces, I would present them with this little treat again, in a heartbeat.

(This is our mini chocolate fudge in tin foil sprinkled with sugar rice, better portion control.)

May Allah swt send them His blessings to see them through this tough period and bring ease into their lives. Amin


  1. Salam Hampshire Mummy,

    that is definitely easy peasy! Must Must Try!!! yumm

    1. Salam Jumaat Puan L,

      Do line the greased chilling pan and add baking paper so that you easily turn out the chocolate fudge for slicing.

      I am going to add chopped nuts and dried cranberries for my next adventure :)
